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Health&Wellbeing *

"If [thankfulness] were a drug, it would be the world's best-selling product with a health maintenance indication for every major organ system."
Dr.Nevzat Avci MD

“Being courteous, being merciful being respectful does not make you weak.

Just beautifies your life...

Nevzat Avci MD.

**This web site is for informational purposes only. Does not contain professional advice.Please consult a specialist.**

Please do it;

-Remember to say "please" and "bless your heart".

-Stay with prayer , for your everyone is praying.

Sticking to a workout routine and maintaining consistency long enough to partake of the fruits of your labor are not easy. Every workout enthusiast experiences harrowing off-days where the mere thought of facing the cross-trainer or the squats rack is as deflating as a punctured tire.

You will be delighted to know that coffee considerably reduces the frequency of your off-days. What's more, incorporating coffee into your pre-workout ritual significantly enhances the quality of your workouts and boosts the rate at which you achieve your fitness goals.

Food is necessary to sustain life. Food helps us build our body and sharpen the mind, and it also helps to improve our immune system. Junk food that is full of saturated fat and cholesterol is the most sought-after food in the world today by children and adults who are crunched for time. Junk foods are high glycemic foods, which invites diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes and cancer to invade the body.

Our body has only a certain amount of food to function at an optimal level. But we tend to eat more than necessary and end up being overweight. This is why the weight loss therapies are much in demand these days. If you are in the middle of the any of the situations described above, you need not worry. You still have a chance to follow and benefit from a healthy diet.

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Does social media affect your health?

Seventy-eight percent of adults have some form of social media, ranging from just a Facebook account to having multiple accounts (Instagram, Twitter, etc). Social networking has found a way into everyone's lives, affecting them in a variety of ways, both positive and negative. With 63 percent of people logging into their social networking sites daily,[1] it is easy for these sites to have an effect on their audience.


Savor each bite, eating more slowly. Pay attention to the fullness of your stomach. So, when you feel three-quarters full, stop eating. It takes time for the stomach to signal the brain that it is full. This will ensure you get the appropriate amount of food without overeating. If you have a hard time recognizing that feeling, begin by reducing the size of your usual portions. Wait 20 minutes after the last bite and take note of how you feel. Are you satisfied? If so, continue with that size portion. Still hungry? Grab one of those pre-portioned individual snacks and add a little more to your meal next time.

Tailor meals and snacks to your individual preferences. At the end of each week, reflect on what worked and what you may want to change in the following week. Most importantly, be patient and kind with yourself as you navigate to a healthier version of you.

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Losing weight is one of the most popular searches on the internet. There are many modern outlooks on how to lose weight effectively without any side effects. The major reason for gaining weight in today's world is the trash we feed ourselves. The intake of junk food disrupts our natural cycles including the adrenal rhythm. A disrupted adrenal rhythm is responsible for weight gain and many other maladies.

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* This blog does not contain professional advice. For professional advice consult a professional.**
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