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For an overall healthy lifestyle,A balanced diet , get enough sleep, keep mental and emotional health in balance, and value a well-rounded quality of life. Ignoring your sleep and mental/emotional health can lead to stress, which can create havoc in your body in many ways. Maintain health in mind, body and soul. everything for you, Happy life-styling!

I wish the best for everyone.

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." — Mother Teresa
*Willingly and gladly..
About me
Anchor 1

I believe that you can create a life you're passionate about. I can't continue our way with the technology. I'm not alone anymore in this marathon we call career.I'm happy,I'm fun,I'm a grandmother now because I'm retired...That's basically it.  >> Sincerely


Nihal’s Tips for Life is Here for You!

Greetings to every of our visitors. Let me introduce myself and my purpose of launching this blog. I have been working for many years enough to retire and once I and my husband retired we have decided to not do the things that most of the retired person do such as sitting home alone and watching TV shows. Instead of this, we decided to make something valuable such as sharing the things we have learnt in all these years which were full with joy, experience and hard working. This was the main reason we have launched this blog and keep operating it.

We are trying to transfer the knowledge we have as well as provide you a different look to the world from the eyes of the someone different. We hope that you will like the content that we have posted for you and again we will be glad to receive the feedback from you. You can share your experiences and reviews about the things we have shared with you by simply leaving us a comment. In the event that you have issues that prepossess your mind then you can let us know so that we will make the enough search and submit a post about it.

As we mentioned in the beginning of this article, we are retired people who are willing to keep up with the modern day without isolating ourselves from the community as well as the technology which is rapidly developing. Let us know what you are thinking about our blog and we will be glad to hear suggestions from you in order to develop our blog to reach more people. We hope that you will like the content that we are preparing for you as well as these content will provide you a deep look to the things.  
  Sincerely a beautiful and happy days
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''Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud''
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"God helps those who help themselves."
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* This blog does not contain professional advice. For professional advice consult a professional.**
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