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Importance of Women’s Education

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” ― Brigham Young

Importance of Women’s Education

The education is one of the most effective and important driving factors in the economic and social development of the societies. Raising the level of education creates direct and indirect effects on increase in productivity by ensuring efficient use of resources, distribution of the income more equitable in the medium and long term, the achievement of a permanent solution to carry out the regional development, increase employment and ensure the development of the agriculture, industry and services sector. Countries who have scarce resources or placed few steps behind the rest of developing countries in the economic development race must give more importance and priority to education and especially women's education to close this gap. Already the gender equality has not been achieved in education in these countries. Giving priority to women in the promotion of education in developing countries will result in the promotion of gender equality as well as obtaining economic and social externalities.

It is possible to measure women's education in developing countries with two basic indicators and thus it is possible to compare it with the developed countries. The first of these indicators is the average duration of education of women and men. The second one is the literacy and the enrollment rate. Although average duration of education reveal the overall level belonging to all of the country's population, literacy and school enrollment rate is to make more detailed measurements. In fact, school-age population is used to measure the enrollment rate while the adult population is used to measure literacy rate.

Mother's heart and unconditional love for her child is the school of each child. This unique school with very different feelings have a great impact on the life of children from the first moment. Therefore being a mother is not about giving birth to a child, it is also known as preparing the children to the real life. So there will be a huge difference between a woman who is educated or not educated in terms of helping their children to be a better person. Children mimic their parents and usually since mother take care of their children a lot, their mom becomes their first role model in their lives. Sometimes the role model changes as dad, uncle, aunt or someone else from the family, however, the first one will be always the mother.

In order to let the children be psychologically successful and healthy in the future, they must be in continues balanced, harmonious communication with their mother. Although experts claim that personal development is open to any changed during the man's life, basic personality structure of the individual begins in the womb and rushes during the childhood. The first effects on a mother to child start during pregnancy and this poses a considerable importance. This is why the communication of the mother and child begins in the womb. Because the sense of hearing occurs earlier than other sensory organs due to anatomical structures and this is why mother's effect is increasing through the hearing voices and function responds.

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