Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after a heart attack
After your heart attack, you may fear that you will experience another one and want to change your lifestyle in order to improve your...

Dances to burn your calories away
Everyone likes dancing, you can't deny it. Sure you might look silly if you aren't a professional dancer but hey, that's not what...

Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand
A lot of people go wrong when deciding when to eat when planning to exercise, let alone what to eat. It may not seem like a very...

Domestic violence sets kids up to fail
The dramatic rise in the number of domestic violence cases being reported, has captured the eye of psychiatrists around the world....

How you can locate a good primary care physician
You have a new health insurance plan and it is time to find a primary care physician. You want to choose a doctor within your network if...

Negative impact of reality TV
The success of reality television shows essentially depends on how popular they become with the public. The more viewers they receive,...

What's Your BBQ IQ?
Summer grilling season kicks off every Memorial Day weekend. Consider using a meat thermometer to ensure your food is cooked at the right...