Music vs. Medicine
Music therapy has been in use in the United States since as early as 1789, and music as a psychological healing treatment has been around...

Anatomy of Love
Books Self-Help Relationship A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray (Completely Revised and Updated with a New...

Long-acting Treatment for Opioid Addiction Reduces Risk of Relapse
In a multicenter, randomized clinical trial, ex-prisoners who received six monthly injections of naltrexone–a long-acting medication that...

Progress Report From the President: Goals and Priorities
From the advent of EPCS and ICD-10 to a new practice in Tarrytown and major growth at Lawrence Hospital, the past six months have been...

Zika Virus Updates From Columbia Experts
Posted in: Public Health Zika is a virus spread to humans by Aedes mosquitoes. It usually causes mild illness, with most people sick with...

A BIG VICTORY FOR SCIENCE: GRAVITATIONAL WAVES The first direct detection of gravitational waves is of course one of the most remarkable...