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Forgive for peace of mind. It has been stated numerous times and in numerous ways, forgive for you. Holding on to pain will make you sick and miserable. Let bad memories go
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Boredom might be just what you need

We are generally not okay with boredom and we delve into all kinds of activities to keep boredom away. But what we may not realize is that boredom might be good for us. One benefit of boredom is that it can help you become less dependent on gadgets or other forms of instant stimulation. You can do other things when bored such as take a much needed nap, call a good friend, engage in lovemaking with your spouse or tell stories to the kids.

Boredom gets you into new interests

In decades past, when people were bored they looked for interesting things to do. I first discovered a love of writing at age 12 while I was bored in my room and listening to music. I wrote my first funny story about children fighting over a purple apple they saw in the backyard and since then I've been writing and enjoying it. When you are bored, think about interests that you have thought about but put to the side.

Boredom pushes you to reflect on life

Another benefit of boredom is that you are able to stop and think about life. For example, you may be going through a major life change and in your moments of boredom, you are able to think about the decisions you need to make based on those life changes. For example, you just became an empty nester after your youngest child moved out. You can use this time to rebuild your marriage.

You can connect with new people

It's important that we establish new relationships and connect with our communities in general. Boredom sometimes drives us to meet new people. For example, you are bored so you decide to attend a book club meeting at the local bookstore. You join the club and you find the books interesting. In addition, you have new friends.

You learn to be a more interesting person

Sometimes the boredom is not because others around you are boring. In some cases you might appear uninteresting to others and as a result you could be bored. Boredom can be used as an opportunity to make yourself more appealing. You can do this by reading books on diverse topics, becoming more outgoing, and having a better sense of humor.

You could become motivated to do tasks you have been ignoring

Depending on your level of motivation, boredom might just be the push you need to complete tasks that you put off for awhile. For example, your wife has been wanting you to clear the clutter out of the garage but now that you're bored and you did other things to cure it, you can use the boredom as an opportunity to clear out the garage because you want to please your wife.

You can give your brain and body rest

Another advantage of boredom is that your body and brain can rest. These days we are always on the go and our gadgets keep us plugged in every day. Sometimes silence and hours of

are just what we need to recharge.

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