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Forgive for peace of mind. It has been stated numerous times and in numerous ways, forgive for you. Holding on to pain will make you sick and miserable. Let bad memories go
Sharing is good. Forgive


Shopping spree is mostly known as compulsive buying disoerder. Today this situation affects about twenty percent of the Turkey population. Actually while some people enjoy shopping as a recreational activity, according to psychologists shopping spree is a mental disorder and may cause severe consequences for addict. On some books it referred to as "shopolism", shopping spree can wreak havoc on a person's life, his/her family and finance.

In Turkey shopping spree cannot stop because today there are many shopping center in the cities of our country. Neverthless it continues to make many shopping centers day by day . Shopping spree seems on women generally. Addict women often have racks of clothes and possessions with the price tags still attached which have never been used. I think shopping addicts attempt to their problem by shopping. There are 3 stages of shopping spree.On first step addict cannot realise for this problem. On middle stage he/she find some excuse to shop. On last step addict denies the seriousness of the situation and say "I deserve it" or "This is the only way to cope with life" etc. If you think you can have shopping spree symptoms; notice something that; - Make a shopping list and only buy what you need on the list. - Destroy your all credit cards except one to be used for emergency issues - Avoid shopping advertisement messages on your mobile phone and don't watch shopping chanels on television. - If you feel out of control, seek counseling or a support group.

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