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Selling yourself with compelling "About Me" writeups

An "About Me" page is the best way to attract new business, secure a job or engage a community of blog readers. Too often, an "About Me" page lacks personality. When creating an "About Me" page, the first thing to remember is who the information is addressing. Words matter; while facts are important, letting a potential customer or employer know who is behind these words is even more critical. Here are some of the questions that should be addressed on a good "About Me" page:

Selling yourself with compelling "About Me" writeups

  1. What can this person do for me? - A well-written "About Me" page is a great place to sell skills and to demonstrate ability. Providing links to work that has been completed will help ensure the person reading an "About Me" page understands the depth of experience of the person offering their services.

  2. Do I know this person's voice? - One of the most challenging parts of an "About Me" page is how the person's voice comes across. While most people use third person to write their "About Me" page, it is important to write in the same manner as they speak. This allows the person's personality to shine through the facts.

  3. What values does this person hold? - Yes it's important to share work experience, knowledge and trustworthiness. However, personalizing an "About Me" write-up is also important. Sharing values is equally as important to potential customers and employers.

  4. Who is this geared to? - When writing an "About Me" section, the writer should ensure they address the person or entity they are targeting. Equally important is addressing the "why"; why would this person be a good fit for my needs.

  5. What makes this person different? - Customer testimonials, workplace references and personal references can make a person stand out from the crowd. Having a range of people complimenting work and personal values can make a difference.

  6. Is this person approachable? - While third-person language is often used in an "About Me" page, having the proper contact information, social media connection and a professional photograph can make the writer feel more approachable. Most people do not want to do business with someone they don't feel they can relate to. A good write-up will make the reader feel good about contacting the writer of the "About Me" page.

  7. How does the writer make the reader feel? - It's important to understand the reaction of a third-party after reading an "About Me" page. If the reader feels they have simply read boilerplate language or buzzwords, they may feel like they're just reading about one more person. Gauge the reaction of another person by having an "About Me" page read by a disinterested person such as a coworker. A family member may not be able to give an honest assessment.

"About Me" pages can be powerful tools that enable someone to land a job, find a client or engage readers on a blog. However, a poorly crafted "About Me" page which does not address these seven basic premises will fall short. Crafting an "About Me" page doesn't have to be complicated; it simply takes a willingness of the writer to step out of their comfort zone and address the needs of the reader.




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