Tips to fitness on a budget and time limit
I have laid out three tips below on ways to work in exercise to your day at almost no cost and with very little time taken up.

HIIT exercise and its many benefits
Health wellness

Tips for losing weight
During this same time, my dad (who was a football player in high school and a sailor after that) had decided that he, too, needed to lose...

Exercise beneficial for those facing cancer
The most recent statistics suggest more than 1,685,210 new cancer cases will be diagnosed in 2016. With so many people learning they have...

Exercise dangers when it is hot, hot, hot
A fatal heat stroke story A well-known case occurred in 2001, when Korey Stringer, a Minnesota Vikings football player, collapsed during...

Art Supplies from Amazon.com
Kurt Vonnegut said that practicing an art-- no matter how well or badly--is a way to make your soul grow. Whether you’re a professional...

Why sitting is bad for you
http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-sitting-is-bad-for-you-murat-dalkilinc Sitting down for brief periods can help us recover from stress or...