Identifying and handling hearing loss in dogs
Over 40 percent of American households have a dog as their family pet. Domesticated dogs are a part of everyday life; they are so...

Put away childish things and embrace adulthood
Have you been accused of being childish by your spouse or good friends on a regular basis? Maybe it is because your attitudes and...

Ways to boost air quality in your home
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adults typically breathe around 3,000 gallons of air per day....

The Modern Piano Student
Piano lessons: the quintessential, after-school activity in which nearly every child that has ever inhabited the earth has been forced at...
Should I let my child play football?
Imagine for a moment that you want to do the most dangerous thing you have ever done. For example, you want to jump out of a plane. Most...

Teaching toddlers how to communicate through interaction
Did you know that from the time your baby starts to babble to himself lying in his crib he is beginning to learn how to talk? Those sweet...

How composting can save the planet and your wallet
While there has been a lot of talk about recycling lately, there is a lack of information on the benefits of composting. This strategy is...