The Third Wave
An Entrepreneur's Vision of the Future Hardcover–April 5, 2016 Amazonbooks NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER One...

Simply Falling - Iyeoka (Official Music Video)
Iyeoka Okoawo Singer-songwriter, poet,educator Read more:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iyeoka_Okoawo #MusicVideo #SimplyFalling #Iyeoka...

Dyson's first beauty product
Dyson have re-thought the hair dryer, from the inside out Dyson Supersonic hair dryer An introduction to the technology inside a...

Mother's Day Gifts Finder
The tradition of mother's Day, the Mother of many gods and goddesses in Greek mythology of the ancient Greeks, begins with the...

US Air force puts on a SHOW OF FORCE to send message to Putin
The US Air force put on another show of force with F-18 F-15 B2 bomber and F-22 to send a clear message to Putin. The United States Air...

What do you think?
What is Platonic love? The name of Platonic love from Plato the famous philosopher. Platonic love means love that turned out, from...

We don't wear yesterday's clothes, yesterday's it's easy to forget that we are peopl
We don't wear yesterday's clothes, yesterday's it's easy to forget that we are people. Yourself, so your heart and soul is renewed, the...