Essential oils?
Potential risks of using essential oils The use of essential oils has become a popular trend in homeopathic medicine. Many people find...
Five reasons why you should drink a cup of coffee 20 minutes before working out
Sticking to a workout routine and maintaining consistency long enough to partake of the fruits of your labor are not easy. Every workout...
6 lifestyle behaviors that contribute toward good health and wellness
Daily habits, such as what you eat or drink, the number of hours you sleep and the amount of physical activity you engage in, have an...
Why omega-3 is the good fat for a healthy diet
Fat gets a bad rap in the world of nutrition, but it's really about making smart fat choices like adding more omega-3 to your diet. From...
5 Benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet
A healthy diet also reverses some of the damage already done by eating high-fat foods. Here are the top five benefits you reap from...
How To Natural Ways Increase Serotonin?
Serotonin in regulating mood, sleep cycle and plays an important role in the focus of the mind. Low levels of serotonin depression,...
The truth about starvation mode during weight loss
Starvation mode refers to the natural reaction human bodies portray when exposed to a calorie restriction mode. In essence, the body...