The Moody Blues-Melancholy Man;
Melancholy Man - Moody Blues melancholy people puzzler a sense of sadness and weariness closed, returning to being alone and like...

Buridane ''Pas Fragile'' (lovely song)
Not Fragile, that is an album title that sounds like a door is out of the ordinary. Buridane says in a definitive manner, as one defends...

Light in Babylon - "Gypsy Love"
MP3 Music; amazon.com #GypsyLove #LightinBabylon #music #MP3Music

Yasmin Levy
''Yasmin grew up in Jerusalem, which she describes as a true melting pot of peoples and cultures, listening to Turkish versions of...

The Secular Ballads in the Sephardic Ballad Notebook of Halia Isaac Cohen
An Edition and Study of the Secular Ballads in the Sephardic Ballad Notebook of Halia Isaac Cohen (Juan de La Cuesta Hispanic Monographs)...

LIGHT IN BABYLON - ''Hinech Yafa''
A beautiful melody tips for life #HinechYafa #LIGHTINBABYLON #YouTube #WomensClothing #music